Rise to the Occasion…Literally

“Sit up straight and mind your posture!”  These may not have ever been anyone’s famous last words, but they are definitely ones that most of us have heard at some point or other in our lives.  (Would it be terrible were I to confess that I myself was chided on the matter during physical therapy graduate school by one of my very own professors?)

Admittedly, being mindful of one’s posture can be very challenging.  It is easy to slack off, slouch off, and fall back into poor habits, pun intended.  While old habits die hard, nevertheless practice makes perfect.  That being said, I challenge you to commit yourself to improved posture.

On that note, I would like to share some tips for proper standing posture:

  1. Try to bear your weight on the balls of your feet.
  2. Keep your knees slightly bent instead of locked in extension.
  3. Keep your feet approximately shoulder-width apart.
  4. Stand straight and tall with your shoulders pulled backward. I encourage my clients to keep their ears over their shoulders.
  5. Try to maintain neutral pelvic position (as in, not rotated too far forward or too far backward). Improved posture contributes to improved musculoskeletal pelvic alignment.  This can help reduce symptoms in individuals who experience pelvic pain.


I was recently introduced to an informative video (link to video) created by physical therapy students at Carrington College about proper posture.  This short video (approximately 2.5 minutes) provides useful tips about how to adopt improved postural habits.  As a person of relatively small stature (i.e. 5’4”…in heels), my favorite part is the usage of a stool to help improve sitting alignment.  (Yes, I sat through graduate school with my helpful stool)

Hopefully, this video will help viewers achieve optimal biomechanical alignment.


“The Most Common Disease You’ve Never Heard Of”

In honor of Endometriosis Awareness Month, I have decided to discuss and share an incredible TEDx talk given by Shannon Cohn at the University of Mississippi, entitled “The Most Common Disease You’ve Never Heard Of” (link to video). First, I will provide a bit of background information.

Endometrosis is a condition in which endometrium, tissue that typically grows inside of the uterus, grows outside of the uterus.  Endometrial tissue can grow on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and surrounding tissue. The main symptoms are pelvic pain (especially during menstruation) and infertility.  Other symptoms may include nausea, bloating, fatigue, migraines, organ dysfunction, internal bleeding and/or scarring.  On average, the disease takes ten years to diagnose over the course of seeing eight different doctors.  It effects 10% of reproductive aged girls and women.

In her talk, Cohn discusses how endometriosis is arguably the most common devastating problem that most people have never heard of.  She herself describes her personal struggle with years of menstrual pain, so much so to the point that at times she could barely stand straight during her period.  Thirteen years and seventeen doctors later, she finally received an accurate diagnosis and heard the word “endometriosis” for the first time.

Once properly diagnosed, Cohn underwent an extensive surgery that required a week long hospitalization stay.  She explains that there are two types of endometriosis surgeries, excision surgery (during which the endometrial growths are removed) and ablation surgery (during which growths are burned at the surface, a less effective procedure than excision).  Many women with endometriosis require multiple surgeries over the course of their lives.

Cohn discusses that the medications described for women with endometriosis (ex. anti-inflammatories, birth control, or hormone drugs) are merely band aids that treat symptoms as opposed to cures.  In addition, they can cause a wide variety of unpleasant side effects.

Cohn’s explores an obvious question- if endometriosis plagues so many women, why isn’t there better treatment available?  Cohn posits that it is likely due to a number of factors, including lack of awareness (both within the medical and lay communities), gender bias, fragmented care, what she refers to as “the perfect awful storm.”  The fact that menstruation is a taboo further complicates proper diagnosis and treatment.  Sure, no one wants to discuss their menstrual cramps, at times even with physicians, however debilitating painful cramps may be indicative of a condition that requires attention.  Cohn encourages women to discuss the topic with appropriate personnel to raise awareness and enable those who are suffering in silence to obtain the help they deserve.  Her message has inspired me to write this blog and to share her TEDx talk.  I encourage you to continue the conversation and promote further awareness.