Scary Scars

Disney knew what they were doing when they made Scar the dangerous villain in the movie, The Lion King.  That is because as a pelvic floor physical therapist, I can attest to the fact that scars are the enemy which can contribute to pelvic floor dysfunction and pain.

In general, scars are one of the most overlooked clinical findings that I encounter during treatment.  Time after time, I will notice a post-surgical scar in an area seemingly unrelated to the pelvic floor (ex. mastectomy, hip replacement, hysterectomy) and inquire regarding what suggestions were made to the individual about proper scar care.  An overwhelming majority of women inform me that they have not been educated at all on scar care or mobilization.  In fact, some are even afraid to touch the scar “lest it open.” Scars may take the form of episiotomies, healed perineal tears (for vaginal deliveries), and C-section scars.  All three of these scars may contribute to pain during intercourse, and a C-section scar can interfere with lumbar mobility, especially trunk extension.

In our bodies, movement equals health.  Every muscle, joint, tendon, ligament, nerve, and connective tissue structure, including fascia, has some degree of mobility and movement.  Scars are the enemy when it comes to mobility.  Almost every wound or injury (including surgery) results in some amount of scarring.  Scars are composed of a protein called collagen, and this is the same protein in healthy skin.  However, the protein fiber composition in scars is different and less functional than the collagen that exists in normal tissue.  In other words, the body may do “too good” of a job healing itself; stiff and excessive bundles of collagen growth accumulate near the scar.  This interferes with the mobility of the local structures.  So while scar formation is a necessary and a natural part of the healing process, the accompanying issue of decreased structural mobility must be addressed.

This is best accomplished by performing scar massage, a technique that can be performed by a physical therapist or on one’s own body.  The general goal is to mobilize the tight tissue and release myofascial adhesions or restrictions caused by the scar.  Many women find the following direct mobilization techniques helpful for abdominal C-section scars:

  • Using two to three fingers, apply force in a horizontal direction along the entire length of the scar (side to side, or right to left)
  • Using two to three fingers, apply force in a vertical direction along the entire length of the scar (up and down, or above to below)
  • Using two to three fingers, apply force in a circular or rotational direction along the entire length of the scar. Create circles in both a clockwise and a counterclockwise direction
  • Pinch, twist, and roll the skin along the entire length of the scar
  • Lift the overlying skin along the entire length of the scar.

These techniques help break adhesions and free up the underlying tissue in all directions.  The amount of suggested force for all of these techniques is until the point prior to pain.  Meaning, it should not hurt!  If it does, try applying slightly less force.  Furthermore, scar massage should not be performed until the skin has healed, which generally takes six weeks to occur.  Please consult with your pelvic floor physical therapist or physician prior to initiating any scar mobilization program.

Pondering Preeclampsia

In honor of May being Preeclampsia Awareness Month, I have decided to blog about gestational hypertensive disorders. A wide spectrum of blood pressure related issues may develop during pregnancy. The mildest condition that may occur is gestational hypertension, which is development of elevated blood pressure after twenty weeks of gestation. Majority of women will experience spontaneous resolution of symptoms following delivery. However, according to Saudan et al in British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (1998), 15-25% of women who experience gestational hypertension will proceed to develop preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia, the next condition along the severity spectrum, is classified as elevated blood pressure (140/90 and higher) in women who had normal blood pressure levels within the first twenty weeks of pregnancy, proteinuria (excess protein in one’s urine), and edema (swelling). Full on eclampsia occurs if the symptoms worsen to the point that it interferes with brain function and causes coma and/or seizure. Vision difficulty, upper right abdominal pain, severe headache, or severe nausea and/or vomiting may be indicative of eclampsia, and immediate medical attention should be sought if one experiences these symptoms.

Women experiencing either preeclampsia or eclampsia may sustain what is known as the HELLP syndrome. HELLP is an acronym for the complications experienced:

• H – Hemolysis, breakdown of red blood cells, which play a crucial role in oxygen transport throughout the body
• EL – Elevated Liver enzymes, indicative of liver damage
• LP – Low Platelet count, which interferes with normal clotting

The etiology of these blood pressure disorders are unknown. Researchers are investigating many factors that may affect development of these conditions, including genetic, environmental, maternal nutrition, immunologic, cardiovascular, and hormonal factors. Scientists have suggested that globally, 5-10% of pregnancies are accompanied with preeclampsia (vs. 3-5% in the United States). 40-60% of maternal deaths in developing countries are due to preeclampsia. Risk factors associated with development of preeclampsia include hypertension or kidney disease prior to pregnancy, obesity, age (women younger than twenty and older than thirty five have a greater risk), known family history of preeclampsia, and multiple pregnancy.

Delivery of the fetus is the only cure for preeclampsia. Most health care providers view 37 weeks and beyond as a safe time to deliver the baby, however any sooner than 37 weeks is generally considered grey territory. On the one hand, delivery will be beneficial for the mother, but on the other hand, delivery will be detrimental for the fetus from a growth and development perspective. Women experiencing preeclampsia should discuss options and make these important decisions with their health care provider.


Hopefully, increased knowledge about these disorders can enable faster intervention and medical attention.  I encourage you to spread the word about preeclampsia this May (and beyond)- you never know who you can help with a single conversation.

                   ©2024 Revitalize Physical Therapy | 630 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY 10040 | 214 W 85th St, New York, NY 10024 | 3736 Henry Hudson Pkwy, Bronx, NY 10463
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