Girl Power

Celebrity Zosia Mamet, of the hit HBO show "Girls" openly discusses her struggle with pelvic pain
Celebrity Zosia Mamet, of the hit HBO show “Girls,” openly discusses her struggle with pelvic pain

In the near five years that I have been exclusively practicing pelvic floor physical therapy, I have noticed an interesting phenomenon.  Namely, conversation about the pelvic floor has steadily been on the rise. We as a profession have received shout outs in popular magazines including Elle, Cosmopolitan, and Runners World. “Kegel exercises” have been referenced in popular television shows including Sex in the City and 30 Rock.


A specialty which heretofore was completely unknown to most and which was rarely discussed even with one’s own doctor has become a topic that is increasingly being raised in healthy and meaningful venues.

Doctors are generally more aware of the existence and the benefits of pelvic floor physical therapy than ever before.  While I spend a significant amount of time explaining my profession to physicians that I meet (and am happy to do so), more and more individuals within the medical community are already well informed.


Not only are doctors more educated than in years past before about the specialty, but knowledge about the topic is abounding within the general population as well.  In the past, my answer to “What do you do for a living” was often greeted with confusion and curiosity.  In fact, I have a whole shpiel prepared to help explain and educate. Recently, I have been pleasantly surprised by the reactions I receive when I proudly respond, “I am a pelvic floor physical therapist.” The general response is one of admiration and respect for the powerful and holy work I have the privilege of engaging in on a daily basis. It is refreshing and exciting to witness this major transition within both the medical and lay communities.


In fact, just last week, Zosia Mamet of the popular television show “Girls” boldly shared her own personal struggle with pelvic pain in Women’s Health Magazine (February 8, 2017, article link).  In this article, Mamet described that for six full years, she felt like she had a nasty UTI that could not be fixed.  She shared that she experienced intense urinary frequency (the sensation of increased need to void) and the sensation of “a hot poker” being inserted vaginally during intercourse.


One of the worst aspects of her experience was that she was bounced around from doctor to doctor and misdiagnosed for far too long.  In fact, she was informed that she had a sexually transmitted infection (not true!) and that she “was crazy” (also not true!) by clinicians who could not figure out what was wrong.  Fortunately, she was finally referred to pelvic floor physical therapy to address her issues.


In reality, many women can unfortunately relate to Mamet.  How courageous of her to share her story and to further raise public awareness.  However, pelvic floor physical therapy should not be deemed a luxury treatment available only to the rich and famous. Pelvic health should be an unalienable right, along with life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Revitalize Physical Therapy offer excellent care in a highly affordable manner. We will help you verify your out of network insurance benefits and can offer a sliding scale to clients in need.  Our main priority is helping you achieve your goals and health.  Please let us know how we can help you, because it would truly be an honor and privilege to do so.

Resolution Research- Is it Physically Possible?

Many find the end of the holiday season to be a time of reflection upon the blessings of the past year and hopes and dreams for the upcoming year.  It is also a time typically associated with New Year’s resolutions, many of which are associated with weight loss.  However, according to the Franklin Covey time management firm, a staggering thirty percent of New Year’s resolutions are abandoned by February.  Is this solely a question of will power and commitment, or is there possibly a chemical connection to failed weight loss attempts?

A recent study in Cell Metabolism (December 29, 2016) explores a possible connection between obesity and dopamine.  Most people with a medial background automatically associate dopamine with a different disease, namely Parkinson’s Disease (PD).  PD is a chronic degenerative disorder on the central nervous system which affects motor function.

Ordinarily, cells in the substantia nigra (part of the midbrain) produce dopamine, a chemical that contributes to smooth and coordinated motor control.  Individuals with PD experience substantia nigra cell death which leads to decreased dopamine production.  This in turn results in slow movement, tremors, rigidity, difficulty initiating movement, depression, anxiety, and disordered sleep.  Symptoms often begin to appear after 60-80% of the substantia nigra cells have died.

Dr. Alexxai V. Kravitz, a researcher at National Institute of Health’s National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) with a heavy background in PD research, shifted gears several years ago and began obesity research.  Over time, he was surprised to discover that obese mice demonstrate similar behaviors to mice with PD.  Up until then, it was assumed that obese mice were inactive and lethargic due to excess body fat which made it difficult to be mobile.  However, Kravitz’s observations led him to hypothesize that perhaps obese mice were inactive due to an actual chemical dopamine deficit.

Kravitz explored his question through a randomized controlled trial.  In his study, he compared a group of mice which were fed a standard diet to a group of mice which were fed unhealthy fattening foods for eighteen weeks.  As early as the second week, mice in the unhealthy group weighed more than mice in the healthy group.  Interestingly enough, mice in the unhealthy group demonstrated decreased movement and activity well before they gained the majority of their weight.

This indicated that excess body weight wasn’t the culprit responsible for decreased activity.  Rather, six different aspects of the dopamine signaling system were observed, and it was discovered that obese mice demonstrated D2 dopamine receptor dysfunction.  According to Dr. Danielle Friend, “There are probably other factors involved as well, but the deficit in D2 is sufficient to explain the lack of activity.”  In order words, decreased activity in obese mice (and possibly humans?) is more connected to a chemical imbalance than to schlepping around excess weight.

The purpose if this blog is not intended to discourage people from their lofty New Year’s resolutions, nor to excuse those who fail by blaming it on possible dopamine deficits.  Studies are yet to be performed with humans, and many questions are yet to be answered.  Rather, the purpose of this blog is to validate and inspire.  Yes, it is difficult to make dietary and physical activity improvements.  In fact, there may even be chemical components contributing to the challenge.  That being said and in response to the blog title’s question …it IS physically possible!  Try as best as you can to stick to your guns and to take it day by day.  Find a friend to be your gym buddy.  Take the extra few minutes preparing that salad rather than the quick and convenient fast food route.  Mind over matter can accomplish tremendous accomplishments.

May we find the inner strength and resolve to commit ourselves to healthier lifestyle choices, and may we be kind to ourselves when we “slip up.”  I wish all of you, my dear readers, a happy and healthy 2017 filled with abundant blessing.

                   ©2024 Revitalize Physical Therapy | 630 Fort Washington Ave, New York, NY 10040 | 214 W 85th St, New York, NY 10024 | 3736 Henry Hudson Pkwy, Bronx, NY 10463
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