On September 10, 2105, I had the opportunity to be interviewed by Dr. Laura Brayton of Hoboken Chiropractic + Wellness. Dr. Brayton is a maternity and pediatric chiropractor who hosts “Well-Adjusted Mama,” an audio podcast on health and wellness regarding conception, pregnancy, and birth. Each week, Dr. Brayton interviews a different holistic health-care expert to educate her listeners about various topics.
When Dr. Brayton invited me to speak on her show, I naturally jumped on the opportunity to share information about pelvic floor dysfunction. Dr. Brayton asked excellent questions which allowed me to discuss a wide variety of pelvic floor disorders. Some of the topics included vaginismus, interstitial cystitis, constipation, and history of abuse or trauma. I then had the opportunity to discuss how pelvic floor physical therapy can benefit women who are pregnant or postpartum, and I discussed the general components of a plan of care for this population. Finally, Dr. Brayton and I talked about my additional specialties. Ever wonder what the letters “BCB-PMD” and “CLT” stand for? Well, they mean that I am Board Certified in Biofeedback for Pelvic Muscle Dysfunction as well as a Certified Lymphedema Therapist. For more information on what that means, as well as for more information about craniosacral therapy (an additional specialty of mine), please tune in to the podcast and enjoy (http://traffic.libsyn.com/welladjustedmama/WAM055.mp3).
I am so grateful to Dr. Brayton for inviting me to participate in her podcast- it is one of the top ranking podcasts on iTunes! After listening to our show, I encourage you to rate and review “Well Adjusted Mama” to help promote Dr. Brayton’s wonderful work. Please follow the easy instructions below on how to subscribe to the podcast and to leave an iTunes rating and review:
- In your browser copy and paste this in the address bar https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/well-adjusted-mama-educating/id913961457?mt=8&ls=1
- When prompted click “Launch Application”
- First click the subscribe button
- Then go to the Ratings and Reviews tab to the right side of the image
- Click on the Write a Review button
- Fill in a title and review and be sure to click the stars to give a rating. A 5 star is appreciated if you believe we’re worthy!
- Click submit
I look forward to hearing feedback from you about the show, and please inform me if there are any specific topics you would like me to blog about in greater detail.